
Alphabetic List of Interventions, Treatments and Therapies

This section contains an alphabetic list of interventions, and some specific techniques, designed to help autistic people.

You may be able to find more information, including links to other parts of this website, by clicking on the title of an intervention.

If you know of any other items we should include in this section, please email info@informationautism.org.

Please note that we reserve the right not to include an item if we feel that it is not appropriate.

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 Results

Glossary Item Description
Y-Aminobutyric Acid

Y-aminobutyric acid is another name for gamma aminobutyric acid or GABA, an amino acid which acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.


Yeast is a microscopic, one-celled organism belonging to the group of organisms called fungi

Yeast-Free Diet

The yeast-free diet is a type of exclusion diet which requires you to avoid all sources of yeast.

Yi-Gan San

Yi-gan san is another term for yokukansan, a traditional Asian herbal medicine.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga is a mind-body practice in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with origins in ancient Indian philosophy.

Yoked Prisms

Yoked prisms, another term for ambient prism lenses, are used to help improve ambient vision, the visual system related to spatial organisation.


Yokukansan, also known as yi-gan san, is a traditional Asian herbal medicine.


The fact that an intervention or technique is listed here does not necessarily mean that we support its use. Nor does it mean that there is any scientifically valid or reliable evidence behind it.

You can find details of the interventions we have already ranked in Our Evaluations of Autism Interventions, Treatments and Therapies.

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16 Jun 2022