
Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention (UCLA YAP Model) and Autism Ranking: Strong positive evidence


The Lovaas Institute recommends that treatment should begin as early as possible, preferably before the child is five years old and, ideally, before the child reaches 3½ years old.  However it also suggests that this intervention may be beneficial for children up to the age of eight and beyond.

The Lovaas Institute website, accessed on 15 June 2016, states:

"The Lovaas Model of Applied Behavior Analysis is a behavioral treatment model typically started with children between the ages of two and eight. Children typically transition to different services as they progress through elementary school and no later than the age of twelve."

Some research suggests that this intervention is likely to benefit children with higher IQs and language skills, although it is sometimes used with children with a lower IQ who are non-verbal.

16 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Sep 2016
Next Review
01 Jan 2023