
Son-Rise Program and Autism Ranking: No evidence

Key Features

The Son-Rise program (also known as the Options Method) is normally delivered by parents and volunteers in the family home, once the parents have received training from the Autism Treatment Center of America. One adult at a time works with the autistic child, usually in a special playroom.

The playroom is designed to be calm, safe and distraction-free. This is because many autistic people find it difficult to concentrate if they are distracted by lights, sounds or other external stimuli.

The adult follows the child’s lead rather than superimposing their own ideas of what the child should do. This includes “joining” the child in his or her behaviour rather than trying to stop it. So, if the child is stacking blocks or flapping his hands, the adult does the same.

The aim is not simply to copy the activity but to build trust. By doing the same as the child, the adult shows the child that he or she is loved and accepted without judgment. It then becomes much easier to build a relationship. As the relationship develops the adult is able to use the child’s own motivation to teach him or her new skills based around his own interests.

The adult may have to learn to communicate with the child in a way that suits the child. For example, they may need to vary the pitch and level of their voice or restrict her language so that it is easier to understand. So they might say ‘Dinner?’ rather than ‘Do you want some dinner?’ They also need to make eye contact at every possible opportunity because it is felt that the more a child looks, the more he or she learns.

Although not part of the Son-Rise program, the Autism Treatment Center of America also suggests looking into complementary and alternative therapies such as auditory integration training, dietary interventions and sensory integration interventions.


According to Kaufman (2005)

“The foundation of the program rests upon this idea: the children show us the way in, and then we show them the way out. In this way, we establish a mutual connection and relationship, which is the platform for all education and growth. Then, we can teach our children everything we want them to learn with exponentially greater success, speed, and ease” 

16 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Oct 2016
Next Review
01 Mar 2023