
Hyperbaric Therapy and Autism Ranking: Strong negative evidence

Suppliers and Availability


There are a number of suppliers of hyperbaric therapy in the UK, the USA and other countries.

There are approximately 75 organisations providing hyperbaric therapy in the UK. These include NHS hospitals, Multiple Sclerosis National Therapy Centres as well as various organisations affiliated to the British Hyperbaric Association.

There are also a number of manufacturers of hyperbaric chambers in the UK, the USA and other countries. You can buy chambers direct from these manufacturers or via the internet.


There are a number of organisations which are responsible for the regulation of hyperbaric therapy organisations and/or devices.

In the UK the Care Quality Commission is responsible for the regulation of organisations which provide hyperbaric chamber services.  This includes for example ensuring the safety, availability and suitability of equipment used.

In addition, the NHS has published guidance on the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (2013). This states that any NHS facility providing hyperbaric therapy should meet a number of requirements including

  • be a member of the British Hyperbaric Association (BHA).
  • work in accordance with the BHA publication ‘Health and Safety for Therapeutic Hyperbaric Facilities. A Code of Practice.’
  • be registered with the Care Quality Commission as a Level 1 or Level 2 hyperbaric facility.
  • operate under the clinical responsibility of a suitably qualified and experienced fully registered medical practitioner; the Medical Director as defined by the Cox Report.

In the USA, hyperbaric chambers are medical devices that require clearance by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA clearance of a device for a specific use means FDA has reviewed valid scientific evidence supporting that use and determined that the device is at least as safe and effective as another legally U.S.-marketed device.

17 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Sep 2016
Next Review
01 Dec 2022