
Portage and Autism Ranking: Insufficient/Mixed evidence


The Portage Project began as a project funded by the U.S. Department of Education in 1969. It was named after the town of Portage in Wisconsin where the project started.

The Portage Project was developed as a way of supporting parents to help their children in their own homes. This idea was tried in Portage because parents in this rural area found it difficult to get to centre-based services.

Since then Portage has been adopted in many different countries and is sometimes included within other programmes. For example, according to Barakat, R., Drylie, L. and Nash, J. (2004)

The Portage Project has been incorporated into many other programmes in the USA such as Head Start, Early Head Start Child Care, 4 year old Kindergarten, Early Childhood Special Education, Preschool Programs, Inclusion Programs and Home Visitation Programs. 

17 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Jan 2017
Next Review
01 May 2023