
Speech and Language Therapy and Autism Ranking: Unable to rate

Cost and Time


In the UK, speech and language therapy is often incorporated into special education but funded via the NHS, which means that it is usually free. However it is also possible to pay privately.

In the USA many children are seen in private practice, which is generally funded through the family’s medical insurance. Children from birth to three who are identified as eligible for services are served by 0-3 agencies which may be funded by the state, or by non-profit agencies. In some states, parents are charged fees on a sliding scale for these services. Some parents also supplement state-provided 0-3 services, which are often minimal, with private services. From 3-21, local school systems are required to provide services. However, again, eligibility standards vary and services are not always adequate. Some parents continue to supplement with private therapy.

The rates for private therapy vary widely depending upon the service offered.


The length of treatment varies from individual to individual because some children may improve much faster than others. Those with more serious or ongoing problems may take longer to help i.e. many years.

Sessions vary in length but usually last about 30 to 50 minutes. Sessions are held on a regular basis, often weekly. 

The time required will depend on the needs of the individual receiving the therapy and on how the therapist prefers to work. 

17 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Dec 2016
Next Review
01 Jun 2023