
Computer Applications and Autism Ranking: Unable to rate


There are a number of potential hazards associated with the use of computer applications for people with autism. For example

  • There are often unrealistically high expectations of what a person with autism may be able to achieve using a computer. It is important to be careful to choose systems that support and enhance someone’s care, education or leisure rather than expect the computer to provide all of the aspects of one part of a person’s life
  • The individual may develop an obsession around the computer or the specific computer application. Some parents and carers have found it very difficult to get their child off the computer once a routine of using it for long periods has been established. It is better to offer limited periods from the start so that you don’t get into a situation where someone is spending a disproportionate amount of time glued to a computer
  • If the computer is linked to the Internet there is a danger that the computer may be vulnerable to technological threats such as viruses, trojans, worms etc. It is essential to ensure the computer is protected with the latest security software.
  • If the computer is linked to the Internet there is a danger that the person with autism may be vulnerable to abuse from other people, including spammers, phishers and paedophiles.
13 Mar 2014