
Pivotal Response Treatment and Autism Ranking: Strong positive evidence

Suppliers and Availability


In theory, PRT is only available from a small number of agencies in the US, such as the Koegel Autism Center in California. In practice, PRT may actually be implemented by a variety of people, including parents and carers, as well as professionals such as teachers.

According to Simpson et al. (2005)

"Initial PRT sessions are provided with skilled facilitators for a large number of hours. However, as a child improves in pivotal areas, highly skilled facilitators are needed less, and the child's family members and teachers provide more natural support."

Support materials are also available from organisations such as the UCSB Koegel Autism Center in California.


There is no internationally recognised qualification for the delivery of PRT but the UCSB Koegel Autism Center in California runs a PRT Certification programme, with certification available at various levels.

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17 Jun 2022
Last Review
01 Oct 2016
Next Review
01 Feb 2023