

Showing 20 to 40 of 143 Results

Glossary Item Description

Paroxetine is a type of SSRI antidepressant used to treat a variety of conditions including anxiety and depression.

Participatory Action Research

Participatory action research is sometimes defined as 'research with people rather than research on people.'

Participatory Research

Participatory research aims to produce knowledge and action relevant and useful to disadvantaged communities and, by building an in-depth understanding of the issue, support people to develop and utilise their own knowledge in ways that are accessible to them.

Pathological Demand Avoidance

Pathological demand avoidance syndrome (PDA) is a condition in which individuals resist and avoid the ordinary demands of life, using skillful strategies which are socially manipulative (distracting adults, using excuses, appearing to become physically incapacitated).

Patterning Therapies

Patterning therapies are a range of therapies based on a series of movement patterns which are designed to facilitate neurological feedback to the brain.


Paxil is a brand name for paroxetine, a type of SSRI antidepressant, used to treat a variety of conditions including anxiety and depression.


PBS is an acronym for positive behavioural support, a process whereby individuals are assisted in acquiring adaptive, socially meaningful behaviours and encouraged to overcome maladaptive behaviours.


PDA is an acronym for pathological demand avoidance, a condition in which individuals resist and avoid the ordinary demands of life, using skillful strategies which are socially manipulative.


PDD is an acronym for pervasive developmental disorders, which is sometimes used as another term for autism spectrum disorders.


PDD (NOS) is the acronym for pervasive developmental disorder (not otherwise specified), also known as atypical autism.


PECS is an acronym for the Picture Exchange Communication System, an intervention which teaches the child to exchange a picture card for something the child likes and wants.


PEER is another term for the Peer Mediated Approach, a programme designed to teach non-autistic children the best way to help children on the autism spectrum.

Peer Mediated Approach

The Peer Mediated Approach is a programme designed to teach non-autistic children the best way to help children on the autism spectrum.

Peer Review

Peer review is a process for checking the quality and importance of reports of research. An article submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is reviewed by other experts in the area.


PEERS is an acronym for the the UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills, a multi-component social skills training intervention for adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum.

PEGASUS programme

PEGASUS is the acronym for the PsychoEducational Groups for Autism Spectrum Understanding and Support programme.

Penguin for Autism Behavioral Interventions

The Penguin for Autism Behavioral Interventions (PABI) is a compact humanoid robot.


A peptide is a small molecule consisting of 2 or more amino acids.

Perceptual Isolation Therapy

Perceptual isolation therapy is another term for restricted environmental stimulation therapy, an intervention based around sensory deprivation i.e. minimizing sensory inputs such as sound, lights and smells.

Performance Lenses

Peformance lenses, another term for ambient prism lenses, are used to help improve ambient vision, the visual system related to spatial organisation.

About This Glossary

This glossary is designed to explain some of the jargon and gobbledygook used by some people when they talk about autism or research..

You may be able to find more information, including links to other parts of this website, by clicking on the title of an item.

If you know of any other items we should include in this section, please email info@informationautism.org.

Please note that we reserve the right not to include an item if we feel that it is not appropriate.


The fact that an intervention is listed in this glossary does not necessarily mean that we agree with its use. Nor does it necessarily mean that there is any scientifically valid or reliable evidence behind it.