

Showing 80 to 100 of 146 Results

Glossary Item Description
Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is an essential fatty acid derived from the liver of the codfish.


Cognition is sometimes defined as the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. In simple terms, cognition means thinking.

Cognitive Interventions

Cognitive interventions are any activities which are primarily designed to improve the way an individual thinks.

Cognitive Remediation Therapy

Cognitive remediation therapy is another term for cognitive enhancement therapy, a psychological intervention that consists of mental exercises aimed at improving cognitive strategies, thinking skills and information processing through practice.

Cognitive Training

Cognitive training is an intervention which aims to improve or restore an individual's cognitive skills, such as the ability to pay attention.


Colic is the medical term for excessive, frequent crying in a baby who appears to be otherwise healthy and well fed.

Collaborative Virtual Environment

Collaborative virtual environment is a form of virtual reality in which users collaborate in an environment generated by a computer.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a suspension of silver particles in water, sometimes used as an antifungal or antibiotic supplement.


Colostrum is a liquid secreted by the mammary glands which is sometimes used as a nutritional supplement.

Colour Therapy

Colour therapy is designed to use colour and light to balance energy in the patient's body.

Coloured Filter

Coloured filters are lenses or plastic overlays designed to help an individual with visual stress and some other visual problems to see and/or read better.

Coloured Lenses

A coloured lens is a normal, non-refractive lens, which has been tinted and placed in a pair of spectacles so that the person wearing the spectacles can see more clearly.

Coloured Overlay

A coloured overlay is a piece of coloured, transparent plastic which is placed over a piece of text in order to make it easier to read.


Colourology is an alternative name for colour therapy, an intervention which uses colour and light to balance energy in the patient's body.

Combined Multi-Component Interventions

Combined multi-component interventions are interventions which make use of a wide variety of different techniques.

Combined, Multiple Sensory Interventions

Combined, multiple sensory interventions use several sensory techniques at the same time.

Comic Strip

A comic strip is a conversation between two or more people using simple illustrations in a comic strip format.

Communication Board

A communication board is a board which shows words, photos and/or symbols.

Communication Book

A communication book which shows words, photos and/or symbols. Non-verbal or pre-verbal individuals can point to relevant items with their finger or their eyes to indicate what they mean.

Communication DEALL

The Communication DEALL (Developmental Eclectic Approach to Language Learning) is an early intervention programme for children with developmental language disorders.

About This Glossary

This glossary is designed to explain some of the jargon and gobbledygook used by some people when they talk about autism or research..

You may be able to find more information, including links to other parts of this website, by clicking on the title of an item.

If you know of any other items we should include in this section, please email info@informationautism.org.

Please note that we reserve the right not to include an item if we feel that it is not appropriate.


The fact that an intervention is listed in this glossary does not necessarily mean that we agree with its use. Nor does it necessarily mean that there is any scientifically valid or reliable evidence behind it.