

Showing 1400 to 1420 of 1558 Results

Glossary Item Description
Teaching with Acoustical Guidance

Teaching with acoustical guidance is a method for teaching behaviours by using a 'click' sound to reinforce correct behaviours.

Technology-Based Augmentative and Alternative Communication

We use the term 'Technology-Based Augmentative and Alternative Communication' to describe different forms of assistive and adaptive technology which are used  to deliver augmentative and alternative forms of communication for people on the autism spectrum.

Technology-Based Behavioural and Developmental Interventions

We use the term 'Technology-Based Behavioural and Developmental Interventions' to describe different forms of assistive and augmentative technology which are used to deliver behavioural and developmental interventions for people on the autism spectrum.

Technology-Based Motor Sensory Interventions

We use the term 'Technology-Based Motor Sensory Interventions' to describe different forms of assistive and augmentative technology which are used  to deliver motor sensory interventions for people on the autism spectrum.


Tegretol is a brand name for carbamazepine, a type of anticonvulsant designed to prevent or reduce the severity of seizures.


Tenex is a brand name for guanfacine, a type of drug called an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist used to treat high blood pressure.


Tenormin is a brand name for atenolol, a type of drug called an β-adrenergic antagonist (beta blocker).

Terbinafine Hydrochloride

Terbinafine hydrochloride a type of antifungal medication used to treat athlete's foot, fungal nail infections and fungal skin infections.


Terbisil is a brand name of terbinafine hydrochloride, a type of antifungal medication used to treat athlete's foot, fungal nail infections and fungal skin infections.


Terminology is sometimes defined as the vocabulary of technical terms used in a particular field, subject, science, or art.


Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, a steroid which controls the growth and functioning of the male sex organs.

Testosterone Regulation

Testosterone regulation involves using a drug, such as leuprolide, to reduce the amount of testosterone and oestrogen in the body.


Tetany is a condition in which the nerve cells in the body are activated, which then stimulate the muscles. This reaction causes spasms or cramps throughout the body.


Tetrahydrobiopterin is a naturally occurring nutrient and essential cofactor of the three aromatic amino acid hydroxylase enzymes.


THB is an acronym for tetrahydrobiopterin, a naturally occurring nutrient and essential cofactor of the three aromatic amino acid hydroxylase enzymes.

Theory of Mind

Theory of mind (ToM) is described as the attribution of mental states (thoughts, beliefs, desires,intentions, and emotions) to oneself or others, to make sense of and predict actions; the cognitive component of empathy

Theory of Mind Training

Theory of mind training programmes are designed to teach individuals with autism how to recognise mental states in oneself or others, and to be able to make sense of and predict actions.

Therapeutic Carriage Driving

Therapeutic carriage driving is an intervention in which the participant controls a horse while driving from a carriage seat or from a wheelchair in a carriage modified to accommodate the wheelchair.

Therapeutic Horseback Riding

Therapeutic horseback riding is primarily designed to improve physical, psychological, cognitive, and social skills, as well as to improve horsemanship skills.

Therapeutic Listening

Therapeutic listening is a training programme which includes a form of auditory integration training.

About This Glossary

This glossary is designed to explain some of the jargon and gobbledygook used by some people when they talk about autism or research..

You may be able to find more information, including links to other parts of this website, by clicking on the title of an item.

If you know of any other items we should include in this section, please email info@informationautism.org.

Please note that we reserve the right not to include an item if we feel that it is not appropriate.


The fact that an intervention is listed in this glossary does not necessarily mean that we agree with its use. Nor does it necessarily mean that there is any scientifically valid or reliable evidence behind it.