

Showing 60 to 80 of 112 Results

Glossary Item Description
Mifne Method for Early Intervention

The Mifne Method for Early Intervention is an intensive programme for the whole family.

Milieu Teaching

Milieu teaching is a behavioural intervention in which individuals are taught language skills and behaviours within the natural environment (the milieu).

Milieu Training

Milieu training is another term for milieu teaching, a behavioural intervention in which individuals are taught language skills and behaviours within the natural environment (the milieu). The teaching is delivered in places (such as the kitchen) and in situations (such as when a child wants a snack) in which individuals are most likely to want to communicate with other people.

Miller Dieker Syndrome

Miller Dieker syndrome is a neurological condition in which the convolutions of the cerebral cortex are either completely absent or reduced in number, giving the brain surface a smooth appearance.

Miller Method

The Miller Method is an intervention based on 'cognitive-developmental systems theory.'


The military are the armed forces responsible for securing and defending a country.


Mimetics is a theatre-based art-form which uses mimicry and imitation.

Mind Reading Training

Mind reading training is another term for theory of mind training, an intervention which teaches individuals how to work out what other people may be thinking and feeling.

Mind Reading: The Interactive Guide to Emotions

Mind Reading: The Interactive Guide to Emotions is an interactive software programme designed to teach recognition of simple and complex emotions to children on the autism spectrum.

Mind-Body Intervention

Mind-body interventions (also known as mind-body practices or mind-body medicine) focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behaviour.

Mindful Parenting

Mindful parenting is a framework in which parents intentionally bring moment-to-moment awareness to the parent-child relationship.


Mindfulness is a mind-body based approach that helps people change the way they think and feel about their experiences, especially stressful experiences.


Minocin is a brand name of minocycline, a type of tetracycline antibiotic drug used to treat bacterial infections.


Minocycline is a type of tetracycline antibiotic drug used to treat bacterial infections.

Miracle Mineral Solution

Miracle mineral solution is an extremely dangerous and scientifically unsound intervention based around the use of a bleach-like substance.

Mirror Neurons

Mirror neurons are electrically excitable cells in the nervous system that process and transmit information, not just when a person performs an action but also when that person observes the same action performed by others.


Misophonia appears to be a neurologically based disorder in which certain auditory stimuli are misinterpreted as dangerous.


MIT is an acronym for Melodic Intonation Therapy, an intervention that uses the musical elements of speech (melody and rhythm) to improve expressive language.


Mitochondria are part of every cell in the body that contains genetic material.


MMR is the name given to the combined vaccine that protects against three separate illnesses (measles, mumps and rubella aka German measles) in a single injection

About This Glossary

This glossary is designed to explain some of the jargon and gobbledygook used by some people when they talk about autism or research..

You may be able to find more information, including links to other parts of this website, by clicking on the title of an item.

If you know of any other items we should include in this section, please email info@informationautism.org.

Please note that we reserve the right not to include an item if we feel that it is not appropriate.


The fact that an intervention is listed in this glossary does not necessarily mean that we agree with its use. Nor does it necessarily mean that there is any scientifically valid or reliable evidence behind it.